Welcome to Discus Texel
Who what where?

As you have probably seen on my website homepage, I - Raoul Helleman - am the passionate hobbyist behind these discus fish. I really enjoy raising these fish and hope to make other people happy with beautiful discus fish.
I started working with Ramon in the spring of 2022.
Ramon was born and raised on Texel and, like me, has always had a love for aquarium fish. Where I love discus fishing, Ramon has just as much love for L numbers. Ramon says about this: “L numbers are really for the enthusiasts. If you think L numbers just eat algae, you're wrong. They eat whatever the pot offers; they are the perfect cleaners for your tank. In addition, they have wonderful behavior to observe, such as when they are mating. They are just beautiful animals.”
The collaboration between us arose very spontaneously over a nice cup of coffee. Ramon gave very good tips to clean my own bins using the L numbers. It soon became apparent that he has an enormous wealth of knowledge about these beautiful fish. So it didn't take long before we thought "let's join forces" and within a short time a lot of new L numbers were added to Discus Texel. Ramon has the same passion for L numbers as I have for discus fishing, so they fit together really well. In addition, the L numbers and discus fish both like the same water quality, so this is a win-win situation in every way!
Since the collaboration with Ramon, the Discus Texel logo has also been expanded with the contour of the L numbers next to those of the discus fish.

Raoul Helleman
Passionate fish breeder
As a child I already had fish at home and once it is in your blood it never goes out. These fish are just my passion and I like to use this passion to give other people the opportunity to have beautiful fish at home. I like to leave people with the most beautiful fish possible. People really buy quality from me and quality does not have to be expensive.


I have not studied to breed fish, but over time I have immersed myself in it. I don't know if I have exactly the right knowledge. In any case, I do my hobby with pure passion and hope to breed the best quality fish possible, every time.
Selling my fish is a hobby and therefore not commercially oriented at all. Hopefully in the long run it will be cost effective (because of the electricity costs, the feed, etc.).
My fish
I buy the young fish from Marcus Stöcker in Germany, with whom I work closely. Marcus Stöcker is a well-known discus fish breeder, especially in Germany. He breeds special discus fish that are rarely found, such as the Heckel Cross. Marcus has also succeeded as one of the first(s) to breed the Blue Head Heckel and the Ica Red Heckels. Marcus Stöcker is therefore a common-known name when it comes to discus fish that are characterized by the beautiful round shape, fast and even growth of the young fish and the intense colours. So I can always rest assured that the fish I buy from Marcus are healthy and can deliver the quality that I want to deliver to you myself. I learn something new from Marcus every time I have been with him!
The fish I buy from Marcus are about 3 to 4 weeks old and 1 cm in size. Once they arrive on the island Texel, they are grown with great care and high quality feed. I feed the young fish about 8 to 9 times a day.

The period from 1 cm to 7 to 8 cm is important for the shape and the quality / size of the fish. I think this is the most beautiful process of breeding. That is why I sell the fish from about 6 to 7 cm. (For the avid hobbyist, the fish are also available in 2-4 / 4-6 cm size.) Then it is also good for you as an enthusiast to further raise the discus fish to a beautiful adult fish. This way you can enjoy the hobby to the maximum. All combinations of colours and sizes can be made on request.
My installation
The installation that I use to breed the fish was created by a lot of searching on the internet and some experience in recent years. For example, filters that I use for the installation include a nitrate filter, so that the water is filtered on the faeces of the fish. In addition, I recently purchased a new filter, the ClariSea Gen2 filter. This filter effectively removes suspended particles such as microalgae, food, organic waste, and gravel from the water column.

I use these filters to raise the fish as well as possible. In any case, don't let this scare you. All these materials are no longer necessary from a size of about 6 cm and so you can very well raise the fish from this size with a simpler setup.
As you may have come across elsewhere on the website, I live on Texel: the first peninsula of The Netherlands. If you were to buy fish from me, you would have to come to Den Helder with your own transport. From there you can take the boat (the TESO) to Texel for €2.50. I will then pick you up where you arrive by boat. In addition to discus fishing, there are many other beautiful things to see on Texel, so a day or weekend on Texel is highly recommended! But: delivery throughout Europe also possible on request!

If you would like to visit, I will be happy to plan your visit with you. For this I ask you to contact me by mail, by phone or via a Whatsapp message. Do you prefer an evening or a weekend? That is not a problem for me. You are always welcome!
If you would like to visit, I will be happy to plan your visit with you. For this I ask you to contact me by mail, by phone or via a Whatsapp message. Do you prefer an evening or a weekend? That is not a problem for me. You are always welcome!